Top 5 Types of Women to Avoid Dating
Top 5 Types of Women to Avoid Dating
The world of online dating is interesting and fascinating, yet risky and challenging. You never know if the woman has sincere feelings or insidious plans about you as well as you never know what woman is simply not worth your time. Probably, experience is the only way to find your soul mate.
To facilitate your search of the perfect match, we offer you to read the information about top 5 types of women to avoid dating that is presented below.
· Women to avoid dating: Type 1. The man-hater
This type of women is a feminist warrior. She is proud of belonging to female sex as she considers women to be stronger and smarter than men. Most likely she is searching for a competitive rival who might persuade her in opposite: woman was made from the rib of man, not from his head to top him, not from his feet to be stepped upon but from his side to be close to him, from beneath his arms to be protected by him, near his heart to be loved by him. However, trying to prove her something like this is going to be VERY difficult if not impossible.
· Women to avoid dating: Type 2. The bitch
She is beautiful and passionate, self-confident and independent. If you ask her to send you some more pictures of her, what you will see will probably be an extremely well dressed woman with model look and half-naked body. Do not hurry to exult at your finding. This woman may turn out extremely dangerous for you. She is sure the world is against her, and if you agree to be with her, you will agree to help her fight the world. Hysterics is her daily state of mind, and you will push yourself into a lot of problems by trying relationship with her.
· Women to avoid dating: Type 3. The gold-digger
This type of women will probably ask you about your income at your first video dating. Her major life goal is to find a man who might support her financially; the one who would finance her in everything beginning with toilet accessories up to the food and drinks. This woman likes living extravagant life and she will shake out all your pockets when you are together. Just flowers or greeting cards won’t be enough to wish her a happy Valentine’s Day. If you do, most likely, your way of greeting will be considered as if you don’t love her as much as needed. She would prefer expensive jewelry, a very good restaurant, and of course, gifts to her mom.
· Women to avoid dating: Type 4. The despot
This woman joined the online dating site because she is searching for any man, thought, she even does not have some specific requirements for the man of her dream. Actually, she even does not have an image of a man of her dreams because she does not need it. She thinks that any man can be well trained, and it is she that will be his trainer. You can easily detect this type of woman even at your first video chat. She sounds as if she is a good commander and perfect dictator.
· Women to avoid dating: Type 5. The goody-goody
Among women, this type of girl is called a “stupid blonde”. She looks like a pretty woman but behaves like a little girl. Pink and white colors are prevailing in her wardrobe. She is very much alike to the so-called “gold-diggers” type, and just like it, the goody-goody woman will cost you a lot of money. The only difference between the goody-goody and gold-digger types is the methods that they use. The goody-goody would look at you with eyes of a small and helpless kitten when asking for a piece of tasty sausage that would make her the happiest creature in the universe.
Hope now you have a full picture of women to avoid dating. So, don’t jump at conclusion as well as don’t hurry to marry the first pretty face you met online. You may fail to discern the type of women to avoid dating in the girl that seems to be an angel at a glance.
Description: This article represents top 5 types of women to avoid dating on the internet.
About the Writer Social Media Manager, academic writer, photographer and music composer, The Writer uses the phenomenal power of articles to assist business owners and entrepreneurs. During the past 15 years of The Writer's experience, there has been over 5,000 articles written within different forms that were useful for any business. Since 2009, The Writer has written dating articles, tips and useful recommendations about the safety of online dating like: Lesbian Dating: How to Get That Girl |