How to End a Relationship
How to End a Relationship
So, you have decided that it is better to break up relationship with your partner. However, breaking off may be a real hassle when it concerns human hearts. So, below you can find the guidelines that will help you break up with your partner.
How to end relationship: Step 1. Find out the reason for why you want to break up
Make sure you understand why breaking up is what you really need. Look deep into your soul. Sometimes circumstances may obscure thinking. Try to abstract away from them and spend some time alone. It will help you clarify everything. Gaining your personal diary may also help you with it.
How to end relationship: Step 2. Be honest
Be honest to yourself as well as to your partner. Truthfulness will make you free in your actions. Keep to it.
How to end relationship: Step 3. Set time and date of meeting
Call your partner and tell him or her that you need to talk. It is unreasonable to break up relationship via phone. So, even if hundreds of kilometers separate you, it is better to meet face-to-face as soon as possible.
How to end relationship: Step 4. Try to imbue with compassion to your partner
If you radiate understanding, it will help your partner a lot. Here are some exercises that you can do before meeting your partner:
Take a deep breath. Stand up, close your eyes and put your hand on the heart area. Try to remember you being grateful to someone. You may also turn on your favorite music. Try to remember the moments that you felt happy indeed in your childhood. Do this exercise for 10-15 minutes. It will help you relax too.
How to end relationship: Step 5. Be sincere during the meeting
Try to state the reasons clearly so that your partner could understand what you mean. Explain him or her that it is not his fault that you have decided to break up. Tell him what lessons have you learnt from your relationship and what you are thankful to him for. Be sincere. If you don’t want to say something, don’t say it. The person will feel that you are insincere.
How to end relationship: Step 6. Don’t take everything close to your heart
A person who is emotionally excited may behave inadequately and say something that he doesn’t actually think to be truth. Your partner may also behave like a small child and tell you something that may offend you. Don’t take it too close to heart. In just means that he or she is hurt and needs your attention.
How to end relationship: Step 7. Respect your partner’s feelings
Treat your partner with love no matter what. He/she is human can have feelings to you. Remember that it is possible to love a person not being in romantic relations with him or her.
How to end relationship: Step 8. Don’t blame yourself
You will be blaming yourself just because you are an initiator of breaking up. You realize that you hurt someone and it influences you. Meditate more, think about something good and don’t forget that everything that happens is for the best.
On our website you can also read about How to Find a Boyfriend and How to Find a Girlfriend.
Description: This article presents a guide on how to end relationship.
About the Writer Social Media Manager, academic writer, photographer and music composer, The Writer uses the phenomenal power of articles to assist business owners and entrepreneurs. During the past 15 years of The Writer's experience, there has been over 5,000 articles written within different forms that were useful for any business. Since 2009, The Writer has written dating articles, tips and useful recommendations about the safety of online dating like: Lesbian Dating: How to Get That Girl |