How to Flirt with a Man
How to Flirt with a Man
In order to infatuate a man, you don’t have to be a supermodel. All you need is a charming smile and some tips on how to flirt with a man. So, let men fly on you like bees on honey.
How to flirt with a man: Tip 1. Eye contact
Look at the object of your interest at least for 7 seconds, then smile and take look aside. Then give him one more enigmatic look and turn aside. Do it a couple of times. No need to be uneasy about such an obvious flirtation. He already understands that you flirt with him. So, eye contact will just intensify your interest towards his personality.
How to flirt with a man: Tip 2. Keep his attention
If a conversation between you began, use these recommendations to keep the man’s attention. First smile and keep up eye contact. Listen attentively to what he is talking about. Nothing can be more pleasant than knowing that someone is listening to you and admiring you! So, show him that you are listening to him by nodding, smiling, laughing, saying “I see”, “I understand”, etc. Smile and laugh are very important as they are the easiest and the most effective ways to become closer to a person. Another effective flirtation tool is touching his hand, shoulder, elbow, etc.
How to flirt with a man: Tip 3. Head position
One of the most important issues in learning the art of flirtation is the position of head. A light head bending with a glance over the shoulder is the classic form of flirtation. This position will help you attract his attention as well as to show the curve of your neck from the right angle. A glance over the shoulder is sexy. So, show the object of your interest that he is worthy of your glance, even though it is just passing.
How to flirt with a man: Tip 4. Tidy your hair and make-up
Though, women may not know it but they look very sexy when they tidy their hair and make-up. Try to smarten yourself up with a smile on your face. This will make you especially charming.
How to flirt with a man: Tip 5. Take care of your lips
Lips are what men mostly pay attention to when talking to women. No matter whether you ate, drank something or kissed someone, always make sure that your lips look nice and fresh. A lip gloss will make your lips look moist and yummy. If you want to make your lips bright, use a lipstick of a scarlet color. But remember, colored lips attract men’s attention to your teeth as well. So, make sure that your teeth are clean and white.
How to flirt with a man: Tip 6. Cross one leg over the other
Such a position will seem especially sexy if you wear spikes or high heels. A woman sitting with a crossed leg over the other seems very tempting to a man, and he subconsciously wants to see more.
How to flirt with a man: Tip 7. Mimics
People imitate each other if they like being together. So, show the man that you are carried away by him. Adjust his mimics. If he settles back, you settle back too, if he scratches the back of his head, scratch the back of your head too. If you adjust to someone’s gestures, mimics, intonations of voice, etc., this person will feel that he is a good company for you.
Finally, don’t be afraid to seem playful. To flirt with someone means to take part in an exciting game. So, just play it and don’t think about its results. Sometimes it is better not to think about the future in order to enjoy present. Good luck!
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Read also info on How to Ask Out a Guy .
Description: If you want to win men’s hearts easily, learn how to flirt with a man from this article.
About the Writer Social Media Manager, academic writer, photographer and music composer, The Writer uses the phenomenal power of articles to assist business owners and entrepreneurs. During the past 15 years of The Writer's experience, there has been over 5,000 articles written within different forms that were useful for any business. Since 2009, The Writer has written dating articles, tips and useful recommendations about the safety of online dating like: Lesbian Dating: How to Get That Girl |