How to Get Girls
How to Get Girls
Do you want to become an object of women’s interest? Do you want all known and unknown women to admire your beauty, intelligence and other merits? Do you want to know how to get girls easily? Then read this article and take into consideration the tips given below.
How to get girls: Tip 1. Become famous
In order to become famous, you don’t need to participate in “American Idol” or “X-Factor”. Attract people’s attention to your personality by doing something impertinent, something daring. For instance, broadcast to people when making a call to a radio station, write a song, become a DJ, write a book. Whatever you can do to become famous do it. Once you are famous, enticing girls will be tenfold easier.
How to get girls: Tip 2. Hold majestic bearing
Nobody likes stooping guys. So, even if you feel uncomfortable with your back straight, do your utmost. Control yourself, and in two weeks it will be all plains sailing. The girls will like how you look, and you will feel more confident.
How to get girls: Tip 3. Flirt with girls
Flirt with all women around you no matter whether they are younger or older than you. Give them compliments, flowers; help them take off coats, etc. The more women you give your attention to, the more each of them will try to become the only one for you.
How to get girls: Tip 4. Smile!
Smile is your main and the most effective tool to get girls. Smile when you see the girl that you want. Relax in a smile as if nothing can make you as happy as the meeting with this girl. Learn smiling in your own special manner. Spend some time in front of the mirror to find out what smile makes you especially attractive.
How to get girls: Tip 5. Wear stylish clothes
Girls like cute stylish guys and always pay attention to guys in pants or jeans of a nice bright color. Don’t buy clothes that is out of fashion – a real lady-killer always wears only clothes of the latest fashion by the most famous designers. Don’t forget to put some good perfume on yourself. However, don’t overuse it.
How to get girls: Tip 6. Get some fashionable accessories
Hand watches, rings, hats, ties, belts contribute to the image of a fop. Use gestures attracting attention to your accessories – set the hat straight, tap your fingers on the belt, etc.
How to get girls: Tip 7. Have a hobby
Every sex symbol must have a hobby. The hobby that you spend the greater part of your life on, something that is more important for you than women. Go for surfing, parachuting, skating, etc. If a guy has a hobby, girls consider him to be brave and daring.
How to get girls: Tip 7. Develop your sense of humor
Don’t learn by heart the famous jokes that you have found on the internet or magazines. If you don’t have a sense of humor, you can actually develop it. Contact funny people more, remember their jokes. However, don’t plagiarize but develop your own sense of humor.
Finally, follow these instructions, and you are sure to become an object of girls’ admiration!
On our site you can also find useful tips on How to Kiss Your Girlfriend and How to Impress a Woman on the First Date.
Description: If you want to become a real sex symbol and object of girls’ admiration, this article is what you need. It gives tips on how to get girls.
About the Writer Social Media Manager, academic writer, photographer and music composer, The Writer uses the phenomenal power of articles to assist business owners and entrepreneurs. During the past 15 years of The Writer's experience, there has been over 5,000 articles written within different forms that were useful for any business. Since 2009, The Writer has written dating articles, tips and useful recommendations about the safety of online dating like: Lesbian Dating: How to Get That Girl |